Blogue - cultura digital, poiesis e work in progress

literatura digital: Liberdade em Louvain

No TEDxUCLouvain, Giovanna Di Rosario faz um breve sumário sobre o que é, e possibilidades que tem a literatura em meio digital. Nosso trabalho experimental e coletivo Liberdade é usado como um exemplo de literatura digital, com suas múltiplas leituras e escritas em diversos meios e modalidades sensoriais.

Giovanna Di Rosario – PhD in Digital Culture – teaches Digital Culture at the Polytechnic of Milan. She is the associate director of Hermeneia Group – Literary Studies and Digital Technologies – at the University of Barcelona. Previously, she worked in Belgium, Denmark, Finland, and Switzerland.

What happens to literature in the digital world? In this talk the speaker explores digital literature, a literature that mixes text (linguistics), images, and sound, that is interactive, where words and letters can even move and where the machine can create. We will determine some new rhetorical figures, delineate some characteristics of digital story, and define a new literary aesthetic and a digital rhetoric.

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